Wilton Ambulance Services
Wilton Ambulance Service was organized in 1977. There were many hours of work dedicated to the planning and training prior to the first run.
Wilton's first ambulance was a 1971 International Ambulance and was purchased from New Rockford Ambulance Service.
In early 1992 the 911 system went into effect in Wilton with the dispatching provided by Bismarck Central.
In 1990, voters approved an official Ambulance District and a 5 mill tax levy. In accordance with the ND Century Code, the Wilton Rural Ambulance District was organized and a seven person board of directors was installed.
A recent addition on the ambulance base provides comfortable living quarters for those volunteers from the Bismarck-Mandan and surrounding areas.
In addition to housing, there is room for meetings and training events and a large bay in which the ambulance and equipment are stored.
In 2003, due to a shortage of volunteers, the service took a huge step and hired a full-time EMT for weekday coverage.
The Wilton community feels fortunate to have the Ambulance Service volunteers covering their community every day.
Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month.