Wilton Soo Line Depot - The Wilton Soo Line Depot was built in 1900, one year after the town of Wilton was established. The town founder, William Drew Washburn, hired Minneapolis architect William J. Keith to design the depot.
The depot was built like many depots in the area with the exception of its top story where a replica of a Japanese pagoda was perched. No one is really sure of the origin of the building's unusual design, but Washburn's travels in the Orient and his collection of Oriental art and curios, surely played a big part in his final design.
Through the years, the station served the purpose for which it was built accommodating both passengers and freight. The railway agent and his family lived in the residential quarters on the second floor. On December 31, 1970, with decreased railroad traffic, the Soo Line closed down.
A Bicentennial Committee was formed and they started searching for a project to observe the nation's birthday. The depot seemed a perfect project. The Soo Line donated the depot to the committee with the stipulation that it be moved off railroad right-of-way. The Wilton City Commission voted to give two lots a block north of Main Street for the project.
The depot was moved on May 25, 1976. It has become a railroad museum. There were many volunteer hours that helped in making the museum quite a showplace.